Hi I’m Kristen and I’m so Grateful
that You are Here

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I am a Pilates expert, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), and wellness advocate, committed to helping you create your own healthy lifestyle. I started this company with the intention of providing you with the tools you need to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually balanced. My goal is to help you feel more empowered through knowledge and support in order to become the strongest version of you.

If you’ve come across this site, my guess is you’re ready for real change. I can relate. Years of sports and dancing took its toll on my body, and Pilates was the modality that finally helped to counteract a lot of my aches and chronic back pain. My journey towards a holistic way of living began 19 years ago with Pilates, as I immediately connected with the mind/body/spirit approach. However, I didn’t totally appreciate what that meant at the time.

Flash forward 10 years, and I found myself confronting a new and intensified health challenge, brought on partly from extreme stress. I suffered from debilitating fatigue, barely making it up the stairs to my apartment, not having the energy to do the dishes, and even crying at times from exhaustion. It was accompanied by a number of digestive issues, ranging from GERD to bloating to constipation, as well as a chronic sore throat and mysterious body rashes.

Along the way, I was given band-aid fixes and looks that said, “not really sure what to tell you,” rather than definitive answers. To discover the root cause, I was going to have to be my own advocate, do extensive research, and educate myself about the body, disease, and nutrition.

This is exactly what I did. In my case, the explanation was Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease related to the thyroid. But this experience opened my eyes to the physical, mental, and nutritional challenges that others face. It has deepened my understanding of what it means to be healthy, led me to become an NTP, and solidified my belief of the mind/body/spirit connection. It’s a dream to be able to work with people in all the ways I do.


My philosophy is simple. It is about going back to the basics through movement, breath, community, self-love, and real food. My hope is that I can help you cultivate strategies to improve your health through exercise, nutrition, stress reduction, and mindfulness.

Your health journey begins wherever you are, accepting yourself fully, and creating a life that brings you joy. Together, we will develop a deeper understanding of what your body needs – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your journey is like no one else’s.

As a functional nutritionist, I combine both art and science when working with clients. I specialize in working with folks who have autoimmune disease, lingering digestive concerns (bloating, gas, heartburn/GERD, leaky gut, dysbiosis, and more), food sensitivities, and hormonal imbalances. I have access to stool, hormone, and blood chemistry tests which all enable me to take some of the guesswork out of my work.

Professional Highlights and Associations

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)
Nutritional Therapy Association

Pilates Teacher
Power Pilates 600-Hour Comprehensive Program

Director of Education
Speir Pilates

Pre/Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist
Core Exercise Solutions

AIP Certified Coach
Autoimmune Wellness

Precision Nutrition Coach Level 1
Precision Nutrition

Certification in Applied Functional Science (CAFS)
Gray Institute

Booty Barre Instructor
Booty Barre

RWS Practitioner, Level 1, 2, and 3
Restorative Wellness Solutions

Exercise Physiology Certificate | Stanford University